Content Frameworks Types

Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA)

The AIDA Model outlines the cognitive phases a person experiences when making a purchase decision for a good or service. It is a purchasing funnel where customers move back and forth between each stage to help them complete the sale.

Since social media has expanded the relationship beyond only the consumer and the business, it now includes the achievement of AIDA's various goals through data provided by other customers via social networks and communities.

Before-after-bridge (BAB)

This is a copywriting technique that is built on the idea of helping someone move from a bad circumstance to a better one with the aid of your business. Its goal is to persuade your reader to take the required action by making your product or service appealing to their needs.

Keep in mind that you need to grab their attention right away. They are more interested in learning how you intend to make their daily lives better than they are in hearing all the details.


Features are simple to define since we can see or use them, but it might be more challenging to understand how they will ultimately benefit a user. However, it's critical to comprehend the benefits that consumers receive because, in the end, benefits rather than features are what influence purchasing decisions.

Simply put, advantages deliver benefits to a client while features create advantages. To tie these components together, it is crucial for the sales and marketing teams to create a FAB statement.


It is a frequently employed "go-to" formula in the copywriting community. After all, a key objective of UX or user research is to pinpoint issues that users encounter so that workable solutions can be developed. It makes perfect sense to promote a solution if you already have one by demonstrating that you recognize the issue and how bothersome it is before presenting the ideal approach to resolving it. All of these elements combine to make the copywriting formula Pain-Agitate-Solution effective.

Problem-promise-proof-proposal (4Ps)

Here's a quick breakdown of what these four elements mean:

  • Promise makes reference to the fix you present. This part of your copy emphasizes the advantages customers can obtain from the solution you're recommending.
  • A picture is used to help your target customer visualize your "promise" in their thoughts. It's the part where you use feelings or emotions to make your offer more understandable to your prospects.
  • The proof section of your content is where you provide convincing proof to your target audience that your solution not only works but is also very effective. To substantiate your statements, you may cite figures, facts, or client testimonials.
  • Pushing refers to urging your target audience to act. Use compelling microcopy or calls to action that highlights the need to take action right now. Through emotionally charged and powerful action words, urge or push them to do what you want them to.

QUEST Copywriting

Here's a quick breakdown of what these five letters mean:

  • Q- Quality- Understanding your product or service and the people who need it comes first. Next, you should explain why your offering is the best choice.
  • U- Understanding- Give them the impression that you are aware of their location and that your problem was also their problem.
  • E- Educate- Inform them of what you've discovered and the many approaches you've taken to the problem at hand.
  • S- Stimulate- Praise your methods, provide evidence to encourage others to try them, and provide examples.
  • T- Transition- Show them how to convert to your clients. Currently, they are merely readers of a post or advertisement, but after using your product, they will change and improve.

Our Recommended Framework

In our opinion, AIDA is the easiest to use and most efficient framework. Here’s a layout of how to use the AIDA framework to create content for your business-


Grab the prospect’s attention by -

  1. Using your headline or
  2. Referring to their problem in the form of a question or
  3. Referring to their desired result and where they are stuck at.
  4. Referring to the core benefit you provide.


Set the stage up for your product/service by explaining the benefit further and also by using an exciting tone, if necessary.


Build desire within the prospect by providing a Full list of benefits/ Credentials/ Building the case or proving the case/ Testimonials or Endorsements/ Independent Analyses or recommendations.


Finally, ask the prospect to take action in the form of visiting the website or making a purchase.

After identifying a framework that works for you, you can start working on the actual content

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